Sunday, November 20, 2011

Oh, look, some more photos from Rouen

So, when I said that I didn't have any photos from the last 2 days in Rouen, what I really meant was "I am a lazy jerk who doesn't like to upload photos, even when there are only FOUR worth being shown to the world."

However, as it is now Sunday afternoon and I am waiting for my gratin de citrouille (pumpkin gratin) to be readt o come out of the oven, I'll get over myself and show you all Le Gros Horloge de Rouen:

Some of the clock mechanisms. They were beautiful, but difficult to photograph, on account of how small the rooms were.

One of the bells that sounds on the hour, every hour. And OF COURSE Lucy and I were in the room when the bell tolled. It'd been a while since my heart had been given such a dramtic shock.

A view of the cathedral, from atop the belltower. I also took a video, which will someday be uploaded, once I get the braves to go to MacDo in order to use their free WiFi, or once I remember to bring my camera/cord to Clémences someday.

The face of Le Gros Horloge. There are all sorts of neat details, like that bottom part of the blue circle changes daily, and each day has a different mythological allusion, and there are loads and loads of sheep all over the clock face, because the sheep is the city animal of Rouen. Also, the half black, half silver sphere atop the circle rotates in rhythm with the moon cycles, so you can tell when the moon is waxing and waning.

There you have it! Next time, Lille. I swear. And after that, La Foire aux Harengs.

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